MPH Curriculum Course Overviews & Current Status

Core Course 1: PHC 6600, Foundations of Public Health (3c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 1

Overview: This foundational course introduces public health and healthcare within the US and globally, emphasizing the ecological perspective and the interconnectedness of population and individual health. Course topics include public health history and impact, the role of ethics and evidence, and the importance of health equity and human rights.

Curriculum Review Status: Fully approved in Summer 2023.

Development Status: Dr. Julia Varnes (MPH Program Director) is coordinating the revision of this course with contributions from all MPH concentrations.

Core Course 2: PHC 6XXX, Public Health Methods (PHM) I: Quantitative Foundations (3c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 1

Overview: This is the first of two courses that focuses on public health/global health research and practice methods. This course, taken in conjunction with a lab, focuses on principles of epidemiology and biostatistics, emphasizing application of epidemiological methods, quantitative data collection, and quantitative data analysis and interpretation.

Development Status: Content being developed by faculty in Dr. Jonathan Fischer (Biostatistics [BIO]) and Jerne Shapiro (Epidemiology [EPI]).

Core Course 2a: PHC 6XXX-L, PHM Lab: Statistical Applications Sequence: Year 1, Semester 1 (co-requisite to Public Health Methods 1)

Overview: Trains students to perform basic exploratory data analysis and biostatistical inference procedures using SAS or R software. This course, taken in conjunction with PHC 6XXX, allows students to apply epidemiological and biostatistical concepts emphasized in both courses. Examples are drawn from public health, clinical, and biomedical settings.

Development Status: Content being developed by Dr. Jonathan Fischer (BIO).

Core Course 3: PHC 6605, Social Determinants of Health (3c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 1

Overview: Using established conceptual frameworks on the Social Determinants of Health, students will map the interrelationships among the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) and Health Inequalities (HI) / Health Disparities (HD); and discuss the social origins of illness, disease, and suffering that contribute to HD in people’s health.

Curriculum Review Status: Fully approved Spring 2024.

Development Status: Developed (and first delivered as an elective Fall 2024) by Drs. Jose Colon-Burgos & Jenny Applebaum (Environmental Health [EH] | Social & Behavioral Sciences [SBS])

Core Course 4: PHC 6149, Public Health Leadership (2c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 1 (BIO, EPI, PHM, SBS) or Semester 3 (EH, PHP)

Overview: This graduate course focuses on leadership and management within the Public Health field. Students acquire knowledge of management and leadership skills to grow as a public health professional, build collaborative professional relationships, develop strategies, and lead public health efforts as a team member and future leader.

Development Status: Drs. Julia Varnes (MPH Program Director), Ara Jo (Population Health Management [PHM]), & Nicole Marlow (PHM) revising the current 1-credit course to be a 2-credit course.

Core Course 5: PHC 6XXX, Public Health Methods 2: Applications for Practice (3c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 2

Overview: The second of two courses focusing on public health/global health research and practice using quantitative and qualitative methods. This course introduces qualitative and mixed methods and their relevance to rigorous public health research and practice, emphasizing using qualitative methods to conduct needs and capacity assessments within communities and organizations.

Development Status: Content being developed by Drs. Julia Varnes (MPH Program Director) & Yulia Strekalova-Levites (PHM) with contributions from faculty in other concentrations.

Core Course 6: PHC 6410, Designing & Implementing PH Solutions (3c) Sequence: Year 1, Semester 2

Overview: Acquire knowledge of behavioral science theories and community mobilization strategies, including how to apply these theories along with evidence and ethics in creating culturally-concordant public health solutions. Identify, prioritize, and adapt evidence-based solutions to develop an intervention rationale, advocacy strategy, and implementation plan for an identified solution.

Development Status: Content revision coordinated by Dr. Julia Varnes (MPH Program Director) with input from Drs. Lindsey King & Gaia Zori (SBS).

Core Course 7: PHC 6601, Professional Series (ProSeries) in Public Health (0c & 1c) Sequence for APE Prep (0c): Year 1, Semester 2 (BIO, PHM) or Semester 3 (EH, EPI, SBS) Sequence for Capstone Prep (0c): Year 2, Semester 1 (all concentrations) Sequence for 1-credit: Final semester (along with PHC 6940, MPH Capstone)

Overview: The Professional Series in Public Health course prepares MPH students for their final semester and post-graduation public health careers through Capstone and Applied Practice Experience preparation, paper and presentation development, Institutional Review Board requirements, interviewing skills, and resume construction. Rotating professional development series offer insights into various public health fields.

Development Status: Course is in development by the MPH APE Coordinator