All Posts by

Catalina Delgado

Environmental Health Student Dena Sadi Abusrur Volunteers Abroad

In the past year, student Dena Sadi Abusrur has volunteered in two countries overseas, in three different areas while taking classes. Her most recent service trip was to Zambia and Greece, spending a month in Zambia and six weeks in Samos, Greece. In Greece, she provided primary care and emergency…

MPH Alumna Johanzynn Gatewood Publishes Article on Social Media Strategies

Johanzynn Gatewood, an MPH graduate of the College of Public Health, recently published the article "Social Media in Public Health: Strategies to Distill, Package, and Disseminate Public Health Research" in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Learn more about her journey in the MPH program and her flourishing career as a Health Communications Specialist. The article can be read in its entirety here.

FPHA Mental Health Regional Training December 5th at UF

The Florida Public Health Association (FPHA) will be hosting a Mental Health Regional Training at UF Thursday, December 5, 2019, on how community-based health mental health and substance abuse treatment systems work. Registration is required and the last day to register online is Tuesday, November 27, 2019. There…

Public Health Practice Student Erica Tramuta-Drobnis Publishes One-Health Article

Online MPH Public Health Practice student and veterinarian Erica Tramuta-Drobnis recently published her article “The One Health Conceptualization of Public Health Practice, Veterinarians in Public Health: Looking Outside the Two-Legged Box” in the Fall 2019 issue of Lehigh County Health and Medicine. Marrying her experience in veterinary…