Campus MPH Degree


The on-campus MPH program is a two-year, 48-credit program. MPH students declare a concentration area when they apply to the program. Upon enrollment, students track through the approved concentration area of their choice. Each concentration has a coordinator who is responsible for overseeing curriculum development and applying program policies in his/her concentration. Each student is assigned a faculty member who serves as their primary faculty advisor to provide individual guidance and advice.

In addition to traditional coursework, students completed an inter-disciplinary learning experience, a practice-based internship (the Applied Practice Experience), and a Capstone Project. The 48-credit curriculum has been designed to encourage the development of competence in key public health skills and to meet current standards in the field of public health, Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accreditation criteria, and the college’s mission, goals, and objectives.

For more information about the Campus MPH program, register for an upcoming MPH program information session or contact


MPH students are admitted into one of six concentration areas, from which the number and type of advanced specialty course credits are determined. Each concentration has unique requirements that have been designed to prepare students to become public health professionals in their chosen area of interest.

Please select a concentration to review credit hours and course requirements:

Four students sitting around table with laptops open, conversing with one another

Learn more! MPH Panel: Campus and Online Concentrations

Are you a current undergraduate student, pursuing a pre-health pathway, and/or looking to complement your future career with essential public health skills and knowledge? Our campus MPH program offers manageable, individualized options to do all of the above! Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. via Zoom to hear faculty content experts share what each concentration entails, eligibility criteria, career paths, what they look for in competitive applications, and more!

Graduation Requirements

Requirements for graduation from the traditional MPH program are:

  • Five public health core courses (15 credits)
    • PHC 6050—Statistical Methods for Health Science I (3) OR PHC 6052—Introduction to Biostatistical Methods (3)
    • PHC 6001—Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health (3)
    • HSA 6114—Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System (3)
    • PHC 6313—Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health (3 or 2)
    • PHC 6410—Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health (3)
  • Core courses in an area of concentration (12-15 credits)
  • Elective courses relevant to the chosen concentration and individual career goals (9-12 credits)
  • Applied Practice Experience (3-6 credits)
  • Capstone Project (i.e., Integrated Learning Experience; 3 credits)
  • The Interprofesional Learning in Healthcare (IPLH) course
  • MPH ProSeries

MPH Core Courses

All MPH students take five core public health courses in Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Public Health Management and Policy, Biostatistics and Social and Behavioral Sciences concentrations. The core Biostatistics course varies across concentration areas. Students in the Biostatistics, Environmental Health, and Epidemiology concentrations must take PHC 6052 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods. All other MPH students must take PHC 6050 Statistical Methods for Health Science I.

In addition, students must take one credit of Seminar in Contemporary Public Health Issues and five to eight credits of PHC 6946 Public Health Internship. Students must take three credits of PHC 6940 Capstone and three to six credits of PHC 6941 Applied Practice Experience.

Required core public health courses that all MPH students must take:

  • PHC 6050—Statistical Methods for Health Science I (3) OR PHC 6052—Introduction to Biostatistical Methods (3)
  • PHC 6001—Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health (3)
  • HSA 6114—Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System (3)
  • PHC 6313—Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health (3 or 2)
  • PHC 6410—Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health (3)

MPH Competencies

All students in the MPH program are expected to master a set of public health competencies during their studies. The core competencies are defined by the Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH, 2021). The concentration competencies, defined by the faculty of the College of Public Health and Health Professions, were developed with consideration to the specialized concentration area and the 10 Essential Public Health Services.

Our core courses’ learning objectives were adapted, with minor changes, from the competencies that serve as the basis of the public health credentialing examination. In August 2008, The National Board of Public Health Examiners offered the first credentialing exam for graduates of accredited schools of public health. Those who pass the exam will be Certified in Public Health (CPH). Get up-to-date information about the exam.