Summer Slaughter, a Spring 2017 SBS MPH graduate, has begun a two-year public health fellowship through the CDC’s Office for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support. This competitive experience is designed to build a recent graduate’s skill set within public health. Slaughter will be a part of the Forsyth County Department of Public Health Preventive Health Services Division in North Carolina. Slaughter will be working with the “Be Healthy School Kids” program, a nutrition education program targeting Pre-K – 5th grade students. She will also plan and facilitate two sessions of “Speedway to Healthy,” a walk-through exhibit, which teaches children how the food they eat affects their body. Children will “enter the body” as a piece of food and travel to different organs. At the end of the school year, Slaughter will transition into “Prevent Ongoing Spread of STIs Everywhere,” a program that provides HIV/STI screenings and education in community locations in Forsyth County.